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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom; Leonard Anderson; Robert Lowell; Anthony Costello

Members Absent: Michael Scott

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Chris McClure - Trifone Design Associates, Inc.; Fred & Cheryl Lonardo; Richard Puleo

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

C.O.C. 836 Salisbury St. - K. Strom moved to issue a Certificate of Compliance. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.

C.O.C. 261 & 269 Wachusett St. - L. Anderson moved to issue a Certificate of Compliance. N. Rocheleau seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Stormwater Regulations - The Commission wants to review the comments made by Dan Nason and Pam Harding. This subject will be taken up at the next meeting.

Minutes - N. Rocheleau moved to accept the minutes of July 5, 2006. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous with A. Costello abstaining.

N.O.I. 448 Malden St. - C. McClure submitted a revised plan at the meeting. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous with A. Costello abstaining.

N.O.I. 325 A Main St. - Fred and Cheryl Lonardo were present. The original NOI filed for this project has expired as well as two year extensions. The applicant is proposing to finish the grade and remove small underbrush. They will stay 25' away from the wetlands. Richard Puleo, abutter, inquired as to how the grading would be done. His concerns were that he did not want his property affected. A. Costello looked at the site and stated that everything was okay. Mr. Puleo's property is higher than the applicant's property. A. Costello moved to close the hearing and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous.

Orders of Conditions -

448 Malden St. - K. Strom moved to issue a Standard OOC. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous with A. Costello abstaining.

325 A Main St. - R. Lowell moved to issue a Standard OOC with 1 special condition that there will be no work within 25' of the wetlands. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous.

R. Lowell moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2006